Friday, February 27, 2009

A Little Angel Princess

Last Saturday the four oldest children attended a Celtic Ball. Home schooled high school students danced the night away, with the girls in elegant ball gowns, and the boys to the nine's in their suits and ties. The bell of the ball was too young to dance, but she stole nearly every man's heart, and won the affections of almost every lady. (Miss Aliza Rose, of course.)
She ran around all evening in her dress-up Princess Belle dress (cotton pajamas underneath :-)) and was incredibly proud of her "glass slippers" which were no more than black summer sandals.

This picture though, I think, captures the innocence of little girlhood. I'm not sure exactly what was happening when the photographer captured the shot, but Mom thinks she's trying to catch the sunlight. I ache every time I look at this picture. It captures more than words can express. There is beauty, life, innocence, adoration, contentment, happiness- even bliss, love, laughter, excitement. It proves there are some moments in life that truly are priceless.

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