Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Springtime Serenity

Fresh air and flowers go hand-in-hand. One of the best things about living in the country, or really living with any type of yard is the dandy lions. :) (please note: "yard," not "lawn." There is a difference. The former welcomes dandy lions, the latter, which we have had our days of caring for, is like a high maintenance poodle) The yellow ones Aliza pulls, apart petal by petal singing, "He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, & etc." but the fluffy white ones she blows into the wind with girlish birthday wishes for pink Volkswagen bugs and Cinderella glass slippers. Annie enjoys them too... but in another way. :)

Anna Sophia

Picking the flowers

Little piggy, eating the flowers.

Must have been a pretty big wish.

but yellow flowers are pretty too...


Unlikely Visitor

We had a visitor not too long ago... she wandered into our front yard, probably from our neighbor's lake and spent the morning moving slowly across our front yard, which is quite a trek for legs of her size. :-)