Wednesday, February 18, 2009


As I was walking out the door this morning, Anna excitedly started calling my name. I turned and saw the entire contents of the Tupperware cupboard scattered across the kitchen floor.
Needless to say, I was not as thrilled about her accomplishment as she was.
But Nolan came bounding in upon the situation, a smile spread across his face. "O, Ashlee! She wants to show you something! Look. She is so ADORABLE!"
I smiled, seeing the situation in a more positive light. And as I walked out the door I saw Nolan get down on the floor with Anna and with a laugh ask, "Now, can you help me clean these up, please?"
I couldn't help but let his happiness infect myself. What would happen if we viewed every inconvientent mess, every spilled cup of water, every muddy boot, dirty face or messy clothes in the same light as this 6-year-old?

I guess we'd enjoy the adorable things in life a little more.

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